
Veronika Lee has already lived well over nine lives. Originally from Philadelphia, PA, she has worked as an obituary writer, film and television casting director for Paramount Pictures and CBS, and as a digital media journalist, covering entertainment and pop culture. She has lived all over the major Northeastern seaboard cities for most of her life until relocating to the South in 2015. She has also occupied space in Oslo, Linz (Austria), and Paris.
She loves writing, especially short fiction about the embarrassment in every day life, quantum mechanics, and Many World theories. Her influences are Oscar Wilde, Tarjei Vesaas, and Matthew Baker and she has studied writing at the Lighthouse Writers Workshop and Emory University's Creative Writing Program. She has a Masters Degree in English literature and digital humanities from The University of New Orleans where she has taught freshman writing and film courses.
Most recently, Lee managed the 40th edition catalog of the Sundance Film Festival and provided on-the-ground coverage of red carpet premieres and panels.
She considers herself the world's okayest guitar player, heavily inspired by Kurt Cobain, and writes and records her own music. She currently performs in the New Orleans-based band, My Cousin Christina, and rides horses in her spare time.
Follow her on Instagram @vesaas_veronique and Twitte/X @cleveronique37.